Golden monkeys, more specifically golden snub-nosed monkeys, (Rhinopithecus roxellana) are one of the many species inhabiting the Bamboo Kingdom.
Naming System[]
- Golden monkeys have a two part name; the first part of their name is an adjective that describes them or the second part of their name (Strong, Nimble, Jitter) and the second part of their name is a body part they have. (tail, back, paws). The suffix of a monkey's name appears to be akin to a surname as Nimbletail's Uncle and sister share the same suffix as herself.[1]
- Golden monkeys live in groups called bands. Bands can vary from being a family unit to being a fractious group of monkeys who would be okay with betrayal. Different bands can come together in a troop, such as the Broken Forest Troop.
Three Feats[]
- Similar to the Baboons from the Bravelands series, golden monkeys host The Three Feats once every year to promote individual monkeys.[1]
Known Golden Monkeys[]
- Brawnshanks
- Brightface
- Briskhand
- Crookedclaw
- Duskback
- Fleetheart
- Flicktail
- Goldback
- Heavyfist
- Jitterpaws
- Nimbletail
- Quickfingers
- Quicktail
- Silvermane
- Strikepaw
- Strongback
- Sweetfur
- Tenderfoot
Known Troops[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The Dark Sun, Chapter 3